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I just posted the promised entry in my diary (link above). Enjoy!
7/31/2000 03:48:22 PM

Here's the grand total: I am getting paid for working 61.5 hours between Monday and Saturday (I worked eight hours today). More on that when I post my weekend adventure writeup on my diary webpage. I guess it'll be a week adventure summary as well - if you can call a workaholic's week an "adventure."
7/30/2000 03:15:02 AM

It's Friday, right? Well, the week isn't over for me. I am going to be at work tomorrow to get some extra work done. Then on Sunday I am planning to go to Universal Studios. Pretty cool. I guess my weekend is just going to be hectic (like the rest of the week). Oh well.
7/28/2000 07:50:11 PM

FTP has been unavailable to me for the past week so this entry and the last five are new as of this posting. Sorry about that!
7/26/2000 03:31:59 PM

I updated my diary last night (link above) so go read about my hectic workweek!
7/26/2000 01:46:11 PM

The Russian International Space Station (ISS) module, Zvezda, docked successfully with the other two orbiting ISS pieces today at 5:40 PM PDT. This is a great accomplishment for everyone involved. In fact, this event significantly impacts my department at Boeing considering they are the ones who integrate shuttle payloads. My supervisor told me that now there will be nine shuttle launches per year for awhile to assemble the rest of the ISS. Cool.
7/26/2000 12:39:46 AM

"Fantasy, even that as sturdy and uncomplicated as this Young Wizard's Progress, is difficult to bring to film, where the wonders are all too often apt to shrink and become banal. Perhaps Harry Potter's place is in the imaginations of his readers." - Stephen King on bringing Harry Potter to the big screen (exactly what I was trying to say in a previous diary entry)
7/24/2000 10:23:27 AM

The weekend update is now available in written form on my diary webpage (link above). Now I need to go shopping for some workout clothes. My stupid sweet tooth has taken over my appetite recently and my weight is a testament to that fact. I hate having to worry so much about what I eat but if I want to lose weight I need to do that and continue exercising everyday.
7/23/2000 06:07:13 PM

Yesterday a miracle happened ... and I posted a new diary entry last night (link above)!
7/21/2000 10:42:28 AM

A month from today I will be on I-10 on my way back to Florida and the summer will be almost over. Starting classes doesn't sound like that much fun but the end of my job will be a welcome event.
7/17/2000 02:14:04 PM

1-2-3. My latest diary update outlines three of my weekend "accomplishments," if I can venture to call them anything of the sort.
7/17/2000 02:13:23 AM

Several hours and two hundred pages later she pulls her nose from the book with a sense of pleasant anxiety. Just the way a good story should leave a reader - mulling over the last words and desperately wanting to know more. What will become of our favorite young wizard now that his mortal enemy is back?
7/15/2000 03:58:05 AM

About 200 pages are left in "Goblet of Fire" for me to read and I am planning to sit down tonight and wrap up the book. It's kinda sad that soon I will be out of new Harry Potter literature for another year but I am anxious to see how this installment turns out.
7/14/2000 10:33:08 AM

New writings in the diary today (link above). Actually I am not the author this time. Let's just say that if you like Harry Potter you'll get a kick out of it.
7/13/2000 04:13:25 PM

I am trying to procure an audio copy of the Lord of the Rings trilogy on CDs for my dad and me to listen to on the drive back to Florida next month. I have become an Ebay junkie in the process. We'll have to see if this all works out in the end. In other news my bookmark is currently resting on page 473 of HP4 because I only got a good hour of reading done last night. It's a shame.
7/13/2000 12:54:01 PM

By the way, I am on page 400 of HP4 as of last night.
7/12/2000 11:40:51 AM

The Russian Zvezda module, an important piece of the International Space Station (ISS), is in orbit now. I watched the launch on CNN last night and everyone is extremely happy that it went as planned. Zvezda will dock with the rest of the ISS on July 25 so keep your fingers crossed.
7/12/2000 10:45:09 AM

I was just reading some online news articles about HP4 and I chanced across a major plot spolier. I really didn't mean to and now I know who is going to die later on. At least it isn't anyone too important. Oops! I've just let out the secret myself. Not that I know how it happens - I am only on page 293 as of last night. I wish I was reading Goblet of Fire right now instead of being at work. *sigh*
7/11/2000 02:44:53 PM

Diary update is now available (link above). All information about my weekend can be found there. You'd better read it for yourself.
7/10/2000 12:01:04 PM

"Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" is coming tomorrow! Let's hope doesn't drop the ball on getting my order to me tomorrow. If only I knew I could go and buy the book at Barnes & Noble tonight at midnight...
7/7/2000 05:50:44 PM

Another update to the diary. Boeing is hosting three of the STS-101 astronauts today and it has been quite an event. Not only did I shake the had of a guy who walked in space but we all had the pleasure of hearing Miss America sing. *shudder* Read the whole story (link above).
7/6/2000 04:17:16 PM

I updated my diary last night with Fourth of July news. Nothing too exciting but I actually DID something for the holiday so that's news in itself. Check out the story (link above).
7/5/2000 10:49:01 AM

I am home alone this weekend but I just got back from Tower Records and I am the proud owner of a new copy of "The Goonies." That's enough to keep me entertained for the evening. I also have a delicious smoothie for refreshment. Excellent.
7/2/2000 01:14:42 AM

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