"Everybody sees what
you appear to be,
but few feel what you are."

Niccolo Machiavelli,
The Prince


My current mood is:
The current mood of lcgleason@juno.com at www.imood.com


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What You Appear to Be
Lauren Christine Gleason

According to Machiavelli (see the applicable quote to the left) a person can be seen as one of two things: "what you appear to be" and "what you are." My purpose, when you visit this webpage, is to show you both aspects of myself. Consider this webpage as a mental notebook for all of my thoughts and discoveries that do not require prose to explain. (Times listed are in EST.)

Current Passion: Graduate School
(changes regularly)

The hottie I thought I was flirting with at the Gap tonight was wearing a wedding ring! *sigh* Am I really getting that old? I did get a couple of pairs of pants for work there and I couldn't believe how much I had to pay. When did khaki pants get to be so expenisve?
3/30/2001 09:10:26 PM

The archive page is still under construction. Several of my monthly archives are missing right now but I attribute that to a Blogger upgrade. I'll post them as soon as they become available.
3/30/2001 03:25:03 PM

So here's the deal: I have made some major changes to my webpages today because I have had a lot of free time. That's a rarity for me so I have taken advantage of it. I mentioned my new diary layout in an earlier post but now the changes extend to my main webpage as well. I love new things!
3/29/2001 06:39:53 PM

I was geting bored with the look of my diary so I changed it. What do you think? I love the new layout but the color needs improvement. The best part about this new design is that it can be changed very easily so don't be surprised if the color changes at any point. It is still in the experimental stages. Also I am working on putting up my old blog (The Drawing Board) of updates to my webpage for reference. I will work on the layout and get back to you.
3/29/2001 02:52:59 PM

I just posted an entry I wrote yesterday. I didn't have time to put it up yesterday. Just a short little note. Enjoy.
3/27/2001 11:39:25 PM

It has been ten days since my last diary entry and if you can make it all the way through the one I posted today you will know why. I have the crazy idea that I have some freedom this weekend but that will pass as soon as I get back to class on Monday and realize what I have been neglecting. It's inevitable.
3/24/2001 09:35:09 PM

It's maddening. I was able to come up with four things to write about in my diary today that are driving me crazy. Don't worry, it's not just a lot of complaining!
3/14/2001 09:54:13 PM

Wanna know why why Tallahassee belongs in the "South"? Go read my diary entry and find out. This time I write from personal experience and I think I have indisputable evidence.
3/12/2001 09:30:21 PM

Last night I posted my newest spring break diary entry. It is quite short but covers several topics. Note to self: post shuttle picture!
3/10/2001 11:56:55 AM

I'll bet you thought I forgot my "quote of the day," right? Not to fear, I have added it now. I left my quote notebook in my car last night and it was too cold to go out for it in my pajamas. "Spring" break, huh?
3/6/2001 10:28:32 PM

Spring break entry #1 now ready for public scrutiny.
3/6/2001 12:12:17 AM

New things are coming soon, I promise! I didn't update this page when I posted my last diary entry (03.01.01) so go and read it if you haven't already. Spring break is progressing and I will have a new entry sometime before tomorrow.
3/5/2001 03:05:04 PM