"Everybody sees what
you appear to be,
but few feel what you are."

Niccolo Machiavelli,
The Prince


My current mood is:
The current mood of lcgleason@juno.com at www.imood.com


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What You Appear to Be
Lauren Christine Gleason

According to Machiavelli (see the applicable quote to the left) a person can be seen as one of two things: "what you appear to be" and "what you are." My purpose, when you visit this webpage, is to show you both aspects of myself. Consider this webpage as a mental notebook for all of my thoughts and discoveries that do not require prose to explain. (Times listed are in EST.)

Current Passion: Graduate School
(changes regularly)

Did I mention I'm in love?
8/30/2001 12:24:48 AM

In light of the fact that I haven't posted anything on my webpages in several weeks I would just like to say that everything is going well. My GRE test prep course started a couple of weeks ago and I am spending a lot of time studying vocabulary because of it. I am also in love so that makes the world seem a little bit brighter than it would otherwise. It's my bedtime now so I am going to crash before waking up at 5:45 AM to go to work.
8/30/2001 12:24:11 AM

Dan left for Las Vegas with some of his fraternity brothers on Thursday night so I am spending the weekend doing whatever I want. (My kind of weekend!) That includes shopping, sleeping, and that pesky GRE test prep course. At the moment I am really wishing I had kept up with my diary over the last several months. Too bad hindsight is 20/20.
8/12/2001 12:45:06 AM

I never knew the mood indicator on my diary page reached so many people until it read "miserable" for about twelve hours. I got emails from friends and family wondering why I was upset. The mood has been changed now and I would like everyone to know that I am no longer "miserable." Thank you for your concern, however. I am very touched.
8/5/2001 06:56:40 PM